01 02 03 Seven Little Australians Living and Learning: Plans for Sebastian, Pre-School 2014 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Plans for Sebastian, Pre-School 2014


Our pre-school focus has been rather sporadic for the last few years, aiming to change the situation this year.  Resurrecting block periods and planning to include Ignatius(K), Saxon(Gr 2) & Genevieve(Gr 4) with some of the sessions.

Block A - Gathering Time - Prayers/hymn; family
Faith Time -  Singing-20 Religious Songs. My Jesus and I chart, Simple Catechism Questions and Bible/Faith story (Liturgical Year Program)

Block B - Seat time
Puzzles and Mont. type activities.
Ideas listed at bottom.

Block C - Outdoor Play time

Block D (MTea) - Nature Hunt
Bring back finds and sort

Block E - Picture Bk Time, Poetry
@30 min.

Block F - Art/Craft
Playdough etc

Block G (after lunch) - Free Time

Seat time Ideas:
Stringing Beads
Stencil Work
Matching Objects with Letters
Sorting Nature Finds
Letters with Playdough
Numbers to Object Amounts
Lacing Cards
Fabric Cards
Colour Cards
Shape Sorting
Letter Sound Boxes

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